Sipkens Nurseries Shop

Pick Up & Delivery Options

We deliver to Sarnia, Brights Grove, Point Edward, Wyoming, Petrolia, Forest, Watford, Oil Springs, Oil City, Corunna, Brigden, and Camlachie. Anything outside these areas please email us for rates or details. $25 Minimum order before taxes, a minimum delivery fee of $59 will apply in our local area. 

Bulk Materials excluded.

When ordering Bulk materials such as Screened Soil, Stone and Mulch by the bucket, select shipping as Bulk Delivery Local Area only.

You will receive an email the night before your delivery.

Orders and availability

While we do our very best to control inventory on this platform there are times where items may be sold out before we are able to pick them for you. We we may cancel the item, or give you a call if there is something else close. Please wait for your shipment is ready for pickup email before coming in.